Tuesday, June 16, 2009

About Me...

I love God above all things. I'm happily married with the man of my dreams. As much as possible, my husband and I hear mass every sunday. I love anything that has to do with nature - animals, flowers, sunset and beaches. I'm organized but sometimes messy. I want everything to be in its place. I periodically enjoy watching people. In the process, I may discover what makes each individual truly unique or special. I may be a student of humankind who is curious about the backgrounds and interests of each person. Chances are good that I am quite sensitive to trials, tribulations, and loneliness forward-looking thinkers experience. I prefer to drink beer (Red Horse) rather than hard liquor. I enjoy cooking. It's one of my better talents. In making decisions or choices, I take it with serious care. I select my friends with great care. The quality of my relationships is much more important to me than the number of people who say I am their friend. I enjoy close relationship with others. I like knowing about people. I prefer to be seen as a person, an equal, or a friend, rather than as a function, a superior, or a title. I love to sleep but I'm a night person, so I prefer to stay up late. I'm not a perfect person. When I get stressed, I prefer to be left alone. The people who are close to me all know this. One of my shorfalls, is that I sometimes have a short temper. Unfortunately, I think it's in the genes, passed down from generation to generation. If you are one of my relatives, you know exactly what I'm talking about! My other problem is, I sometimes take life too seriously, but I'm working on changing that. Whenever I experience a personal or professional loss, make a mistake, or experience failure, I tend to investigate. I am likely to be restless until I have answers to all my basic questions: What? How? When? Where? Who? and Why? Because of my "Let's just do it right now" attitute, I can make things happen by turning thoughts into action. I am often impatient. I can be frustrated by delays caused by people or circumstances. Believe it or not, I'm one of the few filipinos who doesn't enjoy singing or dancing. It's true! I suck. Right now, what can I say... Life is good. I have such a wonderful and loving husband. I want to see my family and friends happy, because I care about them so much. Because I tend to withold the most engaging aspects of my personality until I have sensed openess from other person and I tend to be shy and quiet around strangers/new acquaintances, people seem to think that I'm stuck up, which simply isn't true. My close friends know the real me. I can be lots of fun to hang out with and sometimes be a shoulder to cry on. I've been known to give great advice :) By nature, I deliver compliments only when I am certain the person deserves recognition. Flattery is not my style. Honestly and sincerity are. I am sensitive but strong, frank but nice, tough but emotional, and just like an otot - silent but deadly hahahaha!:) I hate surprises. I typically document my goals and outline my action plan. For this I will feel more in control of my life. I usually opt to work or study independently. When I know something is right, I will fight for it! I'm an independent thinker, who likes to make her own decisions. When I get old, I want to look back on my life and know that I have lived life to the fullest, so let me not waste anymore precious time. :)

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