Thursday, July 9, 2009

FPGEE Review Class

Finally received a letter today that our scheduled dates for the FPGEE (Foreign Pharmacist Graduate Equivalency Exam) review course have been confirmed. Time to get a ticket. I'll be leaving here in bay area with a friend Margaret on August 8 to Upland California and will be back on the 23rd of August. It will be a 2-week extensive review and I am looking forward to learn more and meeting new people here who are also a pharmacist in Philippines. Thanks to Dr. Imasa who decided to come here just to give us a review... Wish me a goodluck! :)


  1. wow that sounds like a very fun advanture that you are about to have. Best of luck and travel safe :)

  2. Hello

    Im planning to the appear for the FPGEE in April next yr and wanted to know if Dr Imasa's review was helpful to you and would you suggest it for other FPGEE takers?

    Thank you
